Windows 8 Activation – Error code 0x8007232B


After installing the Windows 8 Enterprise (RTM Build 9200), I noticed the following error during the Windows Activation.


Activation Error: Code 0x8007232b
DNS Name does not exist

This error occures because the Volume versions can activate against a KMS-enabled machine in your corporate environment or against Microsoft online servers using a MAK. If a volume-licensed media was used for the install, a product key needs to be set.

Enter the following in a CMD prompt with elevated rights (replace xxx with you own product key)

slmgr -ipk xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx


Windows PowerShell – Ask to Proceed


I was asked to create a Windows PowerShell script [easy enough for me, the scriptingnoob]. This script needed to create a blue-print of Active Directory sub-OU’s within several OU’s.

|- Organization1
              |- Accounts
              |- Groups
              |- Resources
|- Organization2
              |- Accounts
              |- Groups
              |- Resources

First I wanted the script to accept variables from the cmdlet;

c:\script.ps1 Organisation1 “Organisation1_description”

By starting the script with param, Organisation1 will be set as variable $org_name, and “Organisation1_description” will be set as $org_descr.


This can be used later in the script..

New-ADOrganizationalUnit -Name $org_name -Path “DC=domain,DC=local” -Description “$org_descr”
New-ADOrganizationalUnit -Name “Accounts” -Path “OU=$org_name,OU=Organizations,DC=domain,DC=lan”

Secondly I wanted to build an “ask-to-proceed” function within the script, because this is a script that should not be used lightly. Also because “it was possible” 🙂 [nl- omdat het kan]

#The Question
$message = “Do you want to continue?”

#Option1 with explanation
$yes = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription “&Yes”, `
    “If you choose yes, we will continue”

#Option2 with explanation
$no = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription “&No”, `
    “If you choose no, we will stop”

#Show the options
$options = [System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription[]]($yes, $no)
$result = $host.ui.PromptForChoice($title, $message, $options, 1)

#What happens after the chosen

switch ($result)
        0 {“You selected Yes.”}
        1 {“You selected No.”}

If you paste the following in a ps1-file then you will be asked to continue, with the options for help.

Windows 8 SMB 2.2 File Sharing Performance


Within the “Windows 8 Customer Preview” and the “Windows Server “8” Beta” the new SMB version 2.2 is introduced. Reading this paper made me migrate my desktop to Windows 8 CP, and play with it.

This paper assumes the reader is familiar with the basics of SMB file sharing, networking technologies, and file system performance measurement with the Iometer tool.

Hehe… Classic


if{you == understand.this}{



A Programmer’s Life
