Tweak Windows 8 to remove the Metro Interface


Well,.. after some test with Windows 8 ,.. I certain to remove the “nice” Metro interface.

Windows 8 Developer’s Preview build has a registry key you could edit;


Change RPEnabled the Value Data from 1 to zero.

But this is only valid in Windows 8 Developer’s Preview build of the operating system. Is there a way to get the old-style (Classic) Start Menu back in the Windows 8 Consumer Preview? The answer for now comes in the form of a tool called ViStart, a tool initially developed to give Windows XP a Windows Vista/7 style Start Menu.

Note: If you are going to install ViStart, be careful during the install process because it offers you third-party programs (Babylon toolbar and Registry Cleaner Pro) that you might not want to install. Install the program and the familiar Start Button (or orb) is back. However, there’s a problem because the button overlaps with the Taskbar.

Windows 8 SMB 2.2 File Sharing Performance


Within the “Windows 8 Customer Preview” and the “Windows Server “8” Beta” the new SMB version 2.2 is introduced. Reading this paper made me migrate my desktop to Windows 8 CP, and play with it.

This paper assumes the reader is familiar with the basics of SMB file sharing, networking technologies, and file system performance measurement with the Iometer tool.

Microsoft Visio Stencils


Most IT Pros often find themselves looking for some Visio stencils and most time you end up not finding what you want or downloading an outdated stencil. Well, your pain is over because here is a list of useful Visio stencils for Microsoft, VMware, Citrix, Dell and others.


Thankz to Jonathan Cusson