SCOM 2012 Quick Tip: Monitoring UNIX or Linux


Whenever I suggest monitoring UNIX and Linux monitoring with SCOM, every IT Manager says “yes”,  but when I need to discuss the technical installations with the UNIX SysAdmin the conversation turns;

Nevertheless I have made a collection with very useful links for Monitoring UNIX or Linux machines with SCOM 2012;

  • Install Agent on Windows Using the Discovery Wizard [click]
  • Install Agent and Certificate on UNIX and Linux Computers Using the Command Line [click]
  • Configuring sudo Elevation for UNIX and Linux Monitoring with SCOM 2012 [click]
  • Troubleshooting UNIX/Linux Agent Discovery in SCOM 2012 [click]

Recently I had an issue the verification of the UNIX/Linux Agent after a manual installation, the error message was

The SSL Certificate could not be checked for revocation

But searching the Technet Library, I found the following article [click] and I found ouy that the Linux server was not correct configured. If all is done well, you can see the result in the SCOM Console

2-18-2013 2-30-07 PM